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☕T - Technique: This is your drawing style - traditional, digital or both! Try to make your style consistent and if you don't feel like you have a good drawing style then practise! Practise drawing lots~(ノ*>∀<)ノ♡ If you're the kind of person that improves fast or your style changes a lot then draw your final reference sheet near the end so that your best technique is put into your entry!



☕ E - Effort: the amount of time you have put in! Clear, full body, coloured drawings show more effort~ Role playing is not required to enter this club but it's the taking part and interacting with other members that shows yours interest~ if you want to be in this club then putting in effort should come easily~ (。-∀-。)



☕A - Appearance: This is the outer appearance of your OC - you should look at your character's overall design and see if it is "balanced" - e.g. shouldn't be too simple nor too detailed ~(✪̼o✪̼)

☕C - Creativity:
☕U - Uniqueness: these two sections overlap a lot. Creativity is making something out of the normal and well-designed~ How to tell if you have a unique entry: when reading your back-story does it sound very similar to something else? When looking at your OC do you feel like the design has been used elsewhere? Ideally your answer should be no~ (´・∀・`)

(tip: maybe get a friend to look at your entry and see whether it's unique or not)



☕P - Personality: Is your character bubbly? Sweet? Good? Evil? For personality you should always make sure that your character's personality doesn't contradict itself! E.g. saying your character is "kind" but then saying they're "selfish/cold" doesn't make sense so avoid this~! σ( ̄∇ ̄;) You could also link your character's backstory to their personality by describing how their past is why they act how they do~

☕S - Story: a good back story brings the character together overall~ An interesting back story makes an interesting character! Whether your story is short or long, this doesn't matter. But the quality of the story should be good~٩(๑`ε´๑)۶ Try to avoid clichés!~

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